Friday, April 15, 2011

First Term at point england school

On my first term of 2011 at point England school I am now in room seventeen. I start off great at school for learning reading,maths and a little bit of writing on raffle paper. But it is a little bit harder when you learn something new at school. My favourite subject at school is maths because it is easy learning at it. I still catch up with my friends that are in my class and my do not like school And also learned sketching and painting on our work we done.I like school!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Ptengland Flag

My name is Tau

My flag is a nuieun flag for my culture. Its yellow and it is blue inside the box of colures that it has red as well.I choose my design as a school photo picture. I liked it because that everybody had to draw a picture of a uniform picture. We use it to colure it with paint and at the end is pastel when we finished it.We wait for it to dry to put it up the wall for the term to look at it and it looks great.

My Ptengland Flag

My name is Tau

My flag is a nuieun flag for my culture. Its yellow and it is blue inside the box of colures that it has red as well.I choose my design as a school photo picture. I liked it because that everybody had to draw a picture of a uniform picture. We use it to colure it with paint and at the end is pastel when we finished it.We wait for it to dry to put it up the wall for the term to look at it and it looks great.